WaitAppuWaitApp "Application" [front/back/open/closed] [#duration [ticks/seconds/minutes/hours]] [partial] [quiet] [continue]qWaits for a specific application to be in the foreground, in the background, open or closed with optional timeout
"Application"#Name of the application to wait forfront:Waits until the application is in the foreground (default)back2Waits until the application goes to the backgroundopen`Waits until the application is open (i.e. the process exists, not necessarily in the foreground)closed%Waits until the application is closed #duration2Timeout (in 60th of seconds if no units specified)ticksUnits = 60th of secondssecondsUnits = seconds (also "sec")minutesUnits = minutes (also "min")hoursUnits = hours (also "hr")partial0Accepts a partial match for the application namequiet?Doesn’t show an error message if the application can’t be foundcontinue8Doesn’t stop the macro if the application can’t be found